The project "Self-Configuring Multi-Step Robotic Workflows" (SeConRob) was notified as part of the "HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-05: AI, Data, and Robotics for Industry Optimization" call. Thanks to the work of an international consortium consisting of seven partners, with support from PROFACTOR GmbH (Austria), it received an exceptional rating of 15/15. The goal of SeConRob is to develop self-configuration methods for sequential robotic processes where each manufacturing step depends on the results of the previous step. To achieve this, technologies based on artificial intelligence are integrated to analyze data from the inspection and control of parts. The results will be demonstrated in two different use cases representing practical situations in the manufacturing industry.
The contribution of ACS will consist of developing robot-based ultrasonic inspection technologies as a part of robotic manufacturing processes.
For further information, please, visit the project website: